Anyway, the black wrapping was quite classy and it was SQUID flavoured too!
It was the first time I came across squid flavoured cup noodles.

Inside the box, there was a sachet of liquid sauce and a sachet of condiments containing dried squid and cabbage.
After the pouring away the water in the custom made drainage holes on the corner, the noodles were ready to be mixed with sauce.
Mixing sauce into it
The taste was a bit disappointing because the squid taste was not obvious and the colour was not as black as I hope for squid ink.
スーパーカップ 大盛りいかすみ焼そばブラック
発売から25周年を迎える人気シリーズから衝撃的な一杯が登場 ウスターソースをベースに“いかすみ”をブレンドした真っ黒なソースが特徴のカップ焼そば適度な弾力と歯切れを併せ持っためんです。大盛りで太く食べ応えのあるめんに仕上げました。
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