Monday 28 December 2015

LAYs Thailand Namtok Hotpot Flavour

Forgot to take a picture of the crisps inside but the taste was slightly strange for me because it was sweet with a strong aniseed taste and a hint of basil.

Fritolay Styling POP Pepper & Chorizo

Styling POP is rather weird name for a snack!!
Tried this because it was savory popcorn.
It was quite salty with a smoky flavour and a hint of black pepper but not much on the Chorizo.

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Mamemas Kyoto seaweed coated peanuts

These are Mamemas Kyoto seaweed coated peanuts from a friend who went to Japan.
It comes in a pretty paper envelope with a packet of peanuts sealed in a clear plastic bag.

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