Thursday 29 December 2011

Nissin milk seafood pot noodles

Nissin's pot noodles 48th anniversary album!!

Winter special edition with milk broth!
Usually I do not drink the soup, but since it was milk, I drank all of it.]
At the bottom there was black pepper.
The overall taste was quite soothing and not too creamy.
Anyway I am sure the Japanese would have adjusted the taste for Asian people.

Sze Hing Loong Green Pea Snack

Some well established brand in Hong Kong that still uses an old commercial.
Although attempts have been made to copy Western products such as the sultana biscuits.
In an expats point of view, it still tastes Hongkie!

Anyway tried these green pea snacks which were wasabi flavoured.
It has a similar texture to Nik Naks but without the grounded wheat bits.

Tulip pork luncheon meat

Fatter and greasier version of Denmark's Tulip brand chopped ham
It was much softer than the chopped ham version.

Fudgee bar macapuno

This was bought from a Philipino store and I loved it, much better than those artifical long life cakes sold in supermarkets that contain lots of grease.
It tastes fresh and was very coconutty.
The only negative comment would be the food colouring

Suntory chocolate drink

Hot chocolate in a can.
The can of chocolate was bought from a heated cabinet in a convenience store.
Not sure if this drink can be warmed in a can because the shop sold it as a warmed drink in a heated cabinet.

As for the taste it was quite watery.

Suncrest fudgee bar

Bought this from a supermarket in Hong Kong, however it tastes worse the ones bought from the Philipines which are also from the brand.
The ones in Hong Kong are oily.
The packaging is mostly the same except the Hong Kong is made higher end by using card packaging and gloss print.

Ferrero Rond Noir

Dark chocolate version of the usual ferrero roche.
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