Sunday, 5 July 2020

[SSG Kitchen] Greek inspired Crumpet topped with Taramsalata and Green Manzanilla olives

Yay, my last crumpet.
This time I topped it with #taramasalata with green Manzanilla olives and chives.
It's nice but I think black olives would contrast the pink and green better as well as the taste but didn't have any in the fridge.

[Review] M&S Marks and Spencers Pink Gin Cream

After trying the successful strawberry clotted cream, I decided to try the pink gin cream.
I thought it was going to be thick pouring cream but it turns out it is thick like clotted cream.
Before using the pink gin cream I decided to try it on its own and boy the gin was strong with a big kick of bitterness and a slight sweet aftertaste.
Since it was quite strong, I paired it with an iced yumyum and the taste was strangely delicious so I definitely recommend pairing the pink gin cream with an iced bun or a rich chocolate cake.
Finally tried it on some strawberries and it was amazing!
First you have the thick velvety creaminess of the cream and then the sweetness and gin kicking through to complement the strawberry.

Salted Caramel cream review:

[Review] Morrisons Mini Lemon doughnuts

As soon as I found out about the Fruit salad doughnuts I just couldn't wait to get them so when someone said they were going to Morrisons I asked them to get me some.
Sadly, Morrisons didn't have it so they got some Mini Lemon doughnuts because they were reduced.
To be honest, I am not a fan of mini doughnuts because they are cakey and lemon makes it worse.
Had they been cinnamon I probably would have liked them more.
There is nothing wrong with these donuts but personally I don't like cakey donuts because I'd rather eat a proper yeasty donut or a proper cake.
The taste was not bad as the lemon was palatable while the sprinkle balls gave it a sugary touch.
I also paired it with M&S pink gin cream which made it nicer.

Saturday, 4 July 2020

[SSG Kitchen] Crumpet topped with piri piri chicken in Masala curry sauce

Crumpets are boring so I decided to jazz it up with piri piri chicken slices and Masala curry sauce from M&S.

[SSG Kitchen] Crumpet topped with Prawn Cocktail and chives

Crumpets are quite boring so I jazzed it up by topping it with prawn cocktail and chives.

[Review] M&S Marks and Spencers Cook With Spiced Masala Curry Sauce

Previously tried the Indian ready meals at M&S which were very tasty so I didn't hesitate to get the Marks and Spencers Cook With Spiced Masala Curry Sauce because I would expect it to be the same sauce.
The sauce was really versatile and you could add anything to it so I used it as a sauce for the chicken slices for the crumpet topping and it was good.

[Review] M&S Marks and Spencers Just Add Sliced Piri Piri Chicken

I love Peri Peri chicken so got the Marks and Spencers Just Add Sliced Piri Piri Chicken which is chicken breast slices marinated in coriander and chili.
After microwaving them, the chicken was moist and soft which is how it should be unlike other brands.
As for the taste the piri piri chicken was quite spicy so be warned.

The first way I had the chicken was simply with rice and peas and the second time I used it with M&S cook with spiced Masala curry sauce on a crumpet.

piri piri chicken with rice and peas

spiced Masala curry

Crumpet topped with piri piri chicken in spiced masala sauce

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