Thursday, 10 November 2016

Kitkat Green tea (Malaysia)

Palatable green tea taste.
Compared to other countries, the Malay kitkat is shorter.

Kitkat Sakura matcha (Japan)

The Kitkat Sakura matcha comes in a box and inside there are three packs of two fingers.
They were not too sweet but the matcha was not strong and I couldn't taste the sakura.

Nestle purple potato kitkat (Japan)

Japanese Nestle purple potato kitkat.
Very sugary like white chocolate and the purple potato tasted a bit like playdoh.

Nestle cookies & cream kitkat

Australian Cookies & Cream kitkat.
Quite sugary.

Nestle Kitkat icecream

The new #kitkat icecream cone is basically an #icecream with a kitkat stabbed in!

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Beehive shaved seasoned ham

Tried the Beehive shaved seasoned ham with basil, oregano and rosemary.

The ham was juicy, flavourful and tender without being too salty but the only weakness was that I could not taste any of the herbs.

I liked the easy peel portion control packs which allow one portion to be opened and consumed while the other pack can be put in the fridge.

Other options in the shaved meat range:
Honey Baked (100g and 175g), Champagne (100g & 175g), Chicken Breast (100g & 175g) and Milano Salami (90g).

Taramosalata by Orexis fresh foods limited

I love Taramasalata which is a Greek dip made with marinated cod roe blended with breadcrumbs, oil and flavoured onion.

The Taramosalata by Orexis was quite good, it wasn't too salty or fishy which was great with the pita bread.

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