Monday 17 April 2023

Yo! crispy prawn bao kit

Spotted these Yo!Sushi crispy prawn bao kits at Iceland so I thought I'd give them a try because I do like prawns.
When I opened the box there were two bags, one bag for the prawn bites and one bag for the baos. 
I was distracted looking at the prawn bites because there were two colours meaning it came from two frying batches to notice that there were only 5 in there.
It looks that they cocked up during the packing process of the prawn bites, also the size of them were not uniform so I reckon the machine went by weight and not quantity.
Thinking back, I should have weighed the whole box to see if it came to 380g.
The prawn bites came out quite oily so I had to blot the oil away and the baos were microwaved accordingly.
All was well I thought apart from one missing prawn bite.
The prawn bites was seriously good as it had a lovely crispy coating while squidy inside but the bao let it down because it was too chewy and tough so I will reduce the microwave time to about 50 seconds because 90 seconds is quite long.
To summarize, if the baos were not chewy, they should taste quite good.
It came with sweet chilli sauce which I did not use because I do not like sweet chilli hence replaced with a lemon and herb spicy sauce.

Bernard Matthews chicken drummers in 2023

As soon as I found out about the Bernard Matthews chicken drummers at Iceland I had to buy them.
They claim to give you that classic tea time feeling just like you remember so I just couldn't wait to try them. 
To be honest they were really delicious just like how they tasted.
The only thing I was lacking was beans which I'm going to buy tomorrow but they definitely taste like Classic tea times.
The texture is a bit like chicken nuggets but softer and obviously I know it is reformed chicken meat but nothing beats that nostalgic taste and feeling.
These chicken drummers are certainly good but I don't get why their Turkey drummers were so terrible I had to throw them away.

#ssgbernardm #bernardmatthews #chickendrummers

Sunday 16 April 2023

New Kettle Chips: Sriracha and Mayo, Dill Pickle and Jalapeno from KETTLE Escape Room

I was so chuffed to attend the KETTLE escape room which was on for only one weekend at Shoreditch.
After the escape, you get given the two new flavours: Sriracha Mayo, Dill pickle and Jalapeno.
Before we went in the ESCAPE room, there were samples to try.
The Dill pickle and Jalapeno was obvious because the dill was really prominent while the Sriracha was spicy.
I definitely loved the dill because you can really taste it while the jalapeno wasn't too spicy.


Friday 14 April 2023

Fresh almonds / Green almonds

Fresh almonds (Green almonds) are in season, so as a curious foodie I had to try them.
I found some bright green small ones and some dark green big ones so why not try both.
They were very different in taste.
Iranians eat them by adding salt and lemon to it.
Since it was my first time I tried them on their own.
I liked the fruit part of the light green smaller ones as they were sour and moreish but the stone part was a bit hard and bitter.
The bigger ones were tasteless but the almond part tasted like cucumber and almond and it was quite refreshing.
So I get the impression you eat the inside for the bigger one and the outside for the smaller ones.
Anyway, I will be salting the smaller ones because the salt and sourness would taste nice together.

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Frize Portuguese Sparkling Redcurrant drink

Spotted this redcurrant sparkling drink so I thought I'd give it a try because you don't often see this flavour around.
Frize is a Portuguese brand of drinks.
I felt that it tasted quite sharp yet you still get the artificial sweetener in the aftertaste.

Tuesday 11 April 2023

Dr Pepper strawberries and cream

I was intrigued why the Americans would have a flavour like Strawberries and cream which is quite British so had to try it.
The size of this can is slightly biger than the usual 330ml in the UK.
It tasted like strawberry jelly and a hint of lipstick with artificial sweeteners followed by a coke aftertaste.

Monday 10 April 2023

New Warburton Crumpet Thins

Warburtons do the best crumpets so when these new crumpet thins came out, I had to try them.
As you would expect, they are considerable thinner so toasting time is shorter.
The taste is just as good and the texture is still the same.
Perfect for trying out spreads or snacking when that won't fill you up but the probably is that because I love crumpets, I end up eating more!!!

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