Tuesday 28 December 2021

Cadburys puds and Jingly Bells Hazelnut creme

Cadburys Puds were launched in August 2021, but as a hazelnut fan I didn't rush to try them like I did with the Hazelnut wispa.
Finally tried them after Christmas because they were reduced to 25p and I was so glad I didn't get them at full price.
I don't get why they were called Puds when it is clearly a chocolate bauble inside.
These chocolates are labelled as Milk chocolates with a truffle filling (53 %), chopped hazelnuts (2.5%) and rice crisps (1 %).
The filling was quite hard and the hazelnut wasn't as strong as the hazelnut wispas or even ferrero rocher.
There was definitely some crisp crunch in the filling which was the rice crisps while the chopped hazelnuts seemed non existent.
Sorry Cadburys but it was just not decadent or indulgent!

As well as Cadbury puds, there is also the Jingly bells which are hazelnut as well.
I was hesitant in trying these because the puds were really awful so I thought they would be just a smaller version of the pud filled with the same stuff.
There is a choice of noisette or the hazelnut creme so I got the hazelnut creme.
The Jingly bells were so different and bowled me over with that smooth silky chocolate as well as the hazelnut filling which had a proper hazelnut taste like the Wispa Hazelnut ones.
Overall, I definitely recommend the Jingly Bells.

Heinz Veg hoops

On a recent shopping trip, I spotted these Heinz Veg Hoops which are labelled as hoops made with 30% extra veg and pasta made from carrot and cauliflower, in a smooth tomato and sweet potato sauce.
I just had to try them because lots of pastas these days are made of veg just like the ZenB pasta which is made of peas.
After taking a spoonful, I felt that the taste was the same but the texture was much firmer and they don't break as easily as the regular ones which is good.

Monday 27 December 2021

Mugshot snack stop

Mugshot snack stop have been around for ages but I haven't really blogged about them.
Recently went to poundstretcher where they had quite a selection so I ended up getting the chip shop curry, hearty bolognese and the chicken.
Other flavours in the picture are bbq and chilli/

Chip shop curry:
The Chip shop curry was simply delicious and comforting and you really have to wait for the noodles to soften up though for it to be delicious.

As expected the chicken broth was really chickeny so with the soft noodles, it was just heaven!
Hearty Bolognese:
Inside the sachet, you will find mini stands of buccatini which helps it to go soft.
Sadly, the taste was disappointing because it wasn't beefy or savoury but it was more like a strong paprika/bell pepper taste even though they were not in the ingredients.

IKEA wintersaga gingerbread house

A fun kit to make a gingerbread house.
The Kit only contains the gingerbread pieces.

American Express Winter World

American Express had their first pop up Winter World on Floral Street in London so I went along where you get to immerse yourself in an enchanting frozen winter world.
When you go in, you get a freshly made beverage at The Drift, the lounge’s snow-topped bar.
There was clementine time or cranberry cooler so I had the Clementine time which is made with a freshly muddled clementine.
The drink was so refreshing.
Next was the lounge where you a gift wrapping tutorial as well as a take home wrapping kit which I used to wrap a present with.
The best bit was the snow globe making workshop.
Last but not least, I had a fun time at the Christmas lights booth where the staff were really professional at taking pictures and videos. 
THANK YOU SO MUCH AMERICAN EXPRESS for that amazing experience.
The lounge was open from Friday to Sunday on the first three weekends of December from 12pm -7pm (12pm - 6pm each Sunday).

Lidl Sparkling chardonnay grape juice

I got to try the Lidl Sparkling chardonnay grape juice over Christmas which was surprisingly moreish and natrual.
The sweetness was just right and it tasted like a light white wine without that alcoholic kick followed by a mild sweetness.
It is labelled as a refreshing carbonated drink made with a blend of Italian Chardonnay grape juice, white grape juice and spring water.

Lidl Deluxe Lobster tails - roast garlic & prosecco butter / Cornish Sea Salted butter

I got to try some Lidl lobster tails because someone got them.
There were two versions, roast garlic & prosecco butter and Cornish sea salted butter.
The lobster tails totally surpassed my expectations as they cooked easily in the oven and the texture was springy and moist.
The lobster meat did not even go dry or even shrivel up during cooking.

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