Wednesday 22 April 2020

[Review] Tesco Egg & Mayonnaise

My morning always starts off with toast so something for my toast or bread will do.
As I haven't tried the Egg & Mayonnaise from Tesco I decided to give it a go.

The taste was quite bland and creamy which is what you would expect from egg and mayonnaise.

Overall, it is something nice and handy in the fridge and I like the way that it is bland because it is healthy so you get to decide if you want to add extra seasoning or not.

[Review] M&S Marks and Spencers British Cheese Selection

I love cheese so Marks and Spencers British Cheese Selection because I haven't tried it and mainly because it had blue cheese.
In the selection there was Black Sticks Blue, Farmhouse Red Leicester and Creamy Lancashire.

All of them were divine in different ways.
Black Sticks Blue is creamy and strong while the other two were like cheddar.
The blue cheese was great as a topping and the other two were great for was snacking and I also thought it would be fun to have it as grilled cheese.

[Review] Iceland Mini Salted Caramel Vienna

Iceland has always had these mini cute Vienna icecream lollies but the flavours have always been vanilla and strawberry which were a bit boring.
Personally I like mint which they is out of stock or I would definitely buy it.
On my recent visit to Iceland, they had Salted Caramel which is another favourite of mine so I got them.

As soon as I got home, I couldn't wait to try them.

The Mini Salted Caramel Vienna was soft and the sweetness was just right with a lovely caramel flavour.
If you are looking for the thin chocolate layers, there isn't much which was ok for me.
To summarize, the Vienna is basically a mini version of the Viennetta with less chocolate.


Overall, I was pleased with the taste and hopefully they will stock the Mint Chocolate.

Zilla Eggs - Baby Avocados

Previously lots of fruit and vegetables have been wasted as rejects because they do not conform to a certain size of shape.
However it is good that supermarkets have recently recognized them as wonky fruit and vegetable so they are not wasted but sold at a cheaper price.

Zilla Eggs is a fine example. They are avocados that were deemed too small but due to their small size they are now sold as Zilla Eggs because they are the size of your average egg hence great for children and lunch boxes.

I got my hands and one and they are seriously cute and taste just the same as your regular avocado!!

[Review] M&S Marks and Spencers Hoisin Duck Wrap

Wraps are always delicious and Hoisin duck never fails.
The Marks and Spencers Hoisin Duck Wrap has hoisin sauce, cucumber and spring onions which is pretty much the default of any hoisin wrap like the one I had at Pret.
Marks and Spencers Hoisin Duck Wrap was presented nicely just like Pret and it is mess free to eat as both are held nicely in the packaging.

Tasting a bite, I got delicious notes of duck, sauce and refreshing cucumber while the spring onions give it that aromatic duck twist.

Again, another flawless treat from Marks and Spencers.

[Review] M&S Marks and Spencers Eve's Pudding

Ever since I spotted Marks and Spencers Eve's Pudding, I have always wanted to try it.
It appealed to me because it is made with Tangy Bramley apples topped with a light buttery sponge, so think of it like an apple crumble with the crumble replaced with a light sponge.

After putting it in the oven, it was ready to eat and the light sponge smelled so delicious.

I didn't have any cream that day but it would definitely taste good with a dash of cream.
The pairing of apple and warm sponge on top was simply delicious.

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Sentimental Hong Kong Transport series @ Kee Wah Bakery 奇華餅家

Kee Wah Bakery 奇華餅家 has just launched a Sentimental Hong Kong Transport series 香港情懷‧交通工具系列 .

In the series are the Tram, Bus and Ferry themed cookies tins priced at HKD70 Each.
All contain cute panda, penguin and koala butter cookies.

If you purchase any Kee Wah product, you can get any of the tins at a promotional price of HKD49.

They also have the new Seaweed pork floss Phoenix rolls 海苔肉鬆鳳凰卷 HKD21 which are crispy and savoury filled with pork floss filling!

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