Friday 17 July 2015

Go ahead crispy slices

A brand from the UK and these crispy slices come in two flavours: apple or orange.
The apple one was really nice with a hint of cinnamon and sweet raisins with a chewy middle.

More Go ahead yoghurt at the website below

Thursday 16 July 2015

Huge Madeleines?

I took photos of them because they look like huge Madeleines.

Yellow Mc Minions and bananas

It is interesting that McDonald’s have put a Philippine twist to their food with the promotion of Minions.
For the McDonald’s brand they have:
Eggcellent silly double patty beef
Calamansi McFloat
Banana pie

For the McCafe brand, there is:
Ice/Hot Banana chocolate
Philippine mango frappe
Banana chocolate roll

Went to McD’s and tried these new items

McDonald’s Eggscellent silly double beef :

It has two beef patties, onions, egg and cheese with black pepper sauce.
I found the black pepper sauce too sweet and not that peppery.
McDonald’s Banana pie:

The banana puree was natrual but too sweet otherwise it would have been perfect.
McCafe’s Hot chocolate banana:

Too sweet with a mildly artificial banana taste.
McCafe’s chocolate banana roll:

The banana cream in the middle was really artificial
McCafe’s iced chocolate banana:

The iced version tastes better because it is not as sweet as the hot version.

Monday 13 July 2015

Floating things found in bottles of 淳。茶舍

I always buy Yinhao Jasmine Green Tea 銀毫茉莉綠茶 by Coca Cola Hong Kong but I have never seen white things floating in it before!
It seems to be in the whole batch of bottles on the shelf which have not gone past the expiry date.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

McDonald’s create your taste International variations

I was excited with McDonalds create your taste because some non adventurous countries like Hong Kong get to “Build Your Own Burger” which is great and they have some basic ingredients which are not normally available such as mushrooms.

I was looking forward to the cheese but as expected Chinese people are not a fan of cheese hence the choices do not match up with other countries.

Currently, the build your own burger has been launched in Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong.

It has been said to be launched in Kuwait but I haven’t been able to google anything yet.

A blooper I discovered while googling "Create your taste hong kong", Maccas spelt as Mcdoanlds!!

Basically the bun choices are the same, but cheese, sauces and bacon vary in different countries.

Singapore has turkey bacon because they do not really eat pork.

The Singaporean, Australian and New Zealand websites were great because you could see clearly the ingredients but the Hong Kong one was not user-friendly and has a small picture to summarize the choices.
Hong Kong:


Australia, New Zealand:


Wednesday 1 July 2015

Guinness flavoured crisps

Tried these Guinness flavoured crisps by Burts Potato Chips.
They were thick cut with a Guinness aroma and had a slight bitterness that tastes just like beer.
The colour of the crisps are slightly darker too.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Sunbites Onion & rosemary by Walkers

I loved the lilac crisp packet and inside there were aromatic crispy bites but the rosemary was not strong enough and there was a sweet aftertaste.

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