Party snacks are now out at every supermarket!
Tescos have these battered sushi rolls which I had to try, they are basically fluffy rice topped with marinated salmon or white fish and coated in crispy batter.
This product has definitely whipped up a storm and even made its way into Asian groups who are condemning it.
Technically, sushi involves raw fish but the salmon or white fish is cooked.
Overall, I felt that the battered sushi rolls were delicious, although labelled as battered sushi, the ingredients and taste is nothing like sushi.
Think of it as a Italian Fish arrancini or warm fluffy rice with chilli and lime topped with flakey fish in a crispy batter, it is actually nice and it doesn't need any other sauces as it is tasty already.
The quality of the fish turned out quite nice, it wasn't too dry nor was it overcooked especially the salmon but personally I liked the white fish.
I just felt that the chilli was too spicy and over powered everything.