Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Aldi Jam & Cream donut

On my recent @aldiuk visit I saw these Jam & Cream donuts which were hard to resist seeing how neat the cream and jam was.
It was only 75p and there were fresh cream eclairs as well.
The jam and cream donut was actually quite good with generous cream in the middle and the strawberry jam was quite punchy.
Overall it was quite nice but a little too sweet.
Rating: 4/5

Aldi Bramwell's Mint Sauce

I am not really a mint person but I love anything with mint chocolate and mint sauce with lamb.
The reason I like mint sauce (for the meat one) is that is quite sharp to the point you can't really taste the mint.
The Aldi Bramwell's mint sauce is not bad.
You can see from the jar, the mint leaves are coarsely chopped.
There is a nice tartness to begin with but the sweet aftertaste was a bit annoying and there is a slight minty flavour to it.
Rating: 3/5

Monday, 23 August 2021

M&S the grill hoisin duck burgers

Hoisin duck is everywhere so I am not surprised to find it in burger form at Marks and Spencers.
If you try the burger on its own, there is a lovely sweetness and a mild star anise taste to it.
Even though it is a minced duck you can still taste the duck meat and some coarse chunks of duck.
Having it with crispy and light panini was simply delicious but I would definitely recommended adding some spring onions and cucumber slices like you do with hoisin duck because this pairing is always flawless.
It can get a bit sweet so adding some hot chilli sauce with a vinegar kick seems to elevate the sweetness but overall I really enjoyed it because the patty was extremely moist and delicious.

Nissin Katsu Cup noodle

Katsu curry is a popular Japanese curry in the UK hence it is not surprising to get a lot of Katsu things at the supermarket as well as cup noodles.
The Cup Noodle Katsu Curry definitely had to be tried because on the lid there are these delicious looking edamame beans which is another popular favourite.
I believe the Katsu curry flavour has been made to the UK taste palette because the noodles are thinner and different while the broth is thick which is good for slurping.
Overall, a delicious curry cup noodle without being too heavy on the spices.

Love at First Bite mooncakes from Royal Hotels Hong Kong

Creativity and fun flavours always come to mind from the Royal Hotels Hong Kong group.
This year, there is 【Love at First Bite】.
I love the modern twist transformation from the classic mixed nut mooncake to a sweet Mini Caramel Pecan Mooncake.
For Hong Kong style toast lovers you have the Mini Peanut Butter & Raspberry Mooncake.
The peanut butter raspberry was my favourite because it had this American Peanut butter jelly resemblance to it.

Order Now:

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Sunday, 22 August 2021

Pacha Melon Sparkling Drink

Discovered these eye catching carbonated drinks by Pacha as they were in these clear plastic cans.
There are quite a few brands out there that do drinks in clear plastic cans but clearly I was captivated by PACHA more than any other brand because of the design and flavours.
There were seven flavours to choose from: Melon, apple, strawberry, peach, lychee, lime and Mojito.
Clearly melon was my choice and I was so glad I tried it because the taste was really natrual and the sweetness was just right.
If you like canteloupe melon then you are going to like this drink.
I think I might try the strawberry one next.
Rating: 4/5

oodles of Noodles Beefy Beef and creamy curry by SMS Worldwide

oodles of Noodles were a brand of pot noodles that you don't often see around so I picked up a pot to try.
The noodles are halal and made for a UK company called SMS Worldwide which oddly sounds like SMS messages.
Anyway, inside the pot, you get two sachets, a powder, an oil and a flimsy fork.
The noodle looked small but when water was added it turned into a fair amount.
Overall, these noodles were surprisingly tasty with a nice beefy and black pepper kick to it so I wouldn't mind getting them again.
They were a bit salty so more water is probably needed.

Also tried Oodles of noodles creamy curry.
To be honest it just tasted like chicken with a hint of curry.

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