Monday, 19 July 2021

Lidl Gelatelli Mini Jungle Ice Lollies

When I spotted the Lidl Gelatelli Mini Jungle ice lollies I just had to get them.
They are basically mini ice lollies which are perfect for big kids like me!!
You get four flavours in a bag of five: 2 strawberry, 1 pineapple, 1 lemon and 1 orange.
There are 3 bags ie 15 ice lollies in total.
While I was worried how I was going to get these home in the heat without melting, the manufacturers have cleverly coated the ice lollies with some waxy stuff [possibly chocolate but in the ingredients it seems to be a coconut butter shell which gives it a nice smooth taste].
Overall my favourites were strawberry and pineapple which are sweet and punchy.
Lemon and orange were ok tasting like Starburst sweets with a bitter aftertaste.
I felt that they were there to you that value and wow factor so you get four flavours but luckily you do get 2 strawberries in the bag which is obviously a popular flavour.
All this i.e 15 mini ice lollies for 99p!!
Rating: 4/5

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Tesco Wensleydale with Rhubarb

Wensleydale cheese to me is just a sweet cheese.

In the recent years all you see is these sweet pairings like chocolate, blueberries, orange and coming soon the new strawberry prosecco by Illchester I think.

Anyway, Tescos has launched this new pairing with Rhubarb which I was more than keen to try because it is naturally tart and any sweetness is obviously the sweeteners.

Apart from being stingy on the rhubarb I really liked it as it was similar to pineapple.

This was the reason I didn't spot it earlier placed next to the Wensleydale blueberry and apricots because the rhubarb ones literally didn't have much in them and they just looked like regular cheese sitting next to the rest.

I had to rummage to find one with visible chunks of rhubarb in it.

Overall I liked it because rhubarb is better than other things like mango, strawberry, blueberry etc but I still classify this as a sweet cheese so Wensleydale anything is not really my cup of tea but the rhubarb combo is my favourite.

Rating: 4/5

Milka Choco snack

Guest post from my brother.
He said it hit the spot.
My impressions of the Milka Choco snack is that it looks similar to the Cadburys choco snack sold at Poundland!

Friday, 16 July 2021

M&S Sloppy Joe -The Original

Marks &Spencer have launched a new range of pastas and pizzas for the Italian dine in series.
Last week I tried the beef bolognese and discovered that the Italian dine in also had a beef and bolognese which I suspect are the same because the descriptions are identical.
This time I tried the Sloppy Joe pizza which has my favourite combo of spicy beef, peppers and red onions.
As expected it was just amazing!

Other finds in the Italian Dine in series

Possibly the biggest Co-op located on Chrisp Street in Poplar

The co-ops that I usually visit are just small corner shops with necessities packed in.
As I was in Poplar, I decided to visit the Co-op there.
I was already feeling odd at the entrance as there was a huge coridoor leading there and when I got in I was greeted by these shelves and spacious aisles!

There was a huge corner for the bakery as well as fruits and four conveyor belt type tills!

Billingsgate Market

Billingsgate Market is a great place for seafood where we always go for the oysters.
Hoping to try the cafe soon but you have to get there early as they close 09:30 in the morning.

Pink gooseberries

As well as green gooseberries, I recently got my hands on some pink gooseberries.
They were rather pretty with a pinkish hue, the riper ones are darker in colour.
The pink gooseberries taste sweet with a tartness from the skin.
Overall, they tasted a bit like kiwis.

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