Thanks to Calbee for these fun Potato sticks that comes with a dipping sauce.
The proper name of this product according to the packaging is:
Calbee potato crunch potato sticks (original flavour) with Mango Habanero Chili Dipping Sauce.
On the side of the packaging, there is a little introductory about the Habanero Chili.
So when you open the box, you will find a bag of Original potato sticks and a dipping sauce.

It was good that it came with the Original potato sticks because it does not have any other flavours that will over power the Mango Habanero sauce.
The sauce was really good because it was spicy with a short burst of spiciness that did not linger followed by a sweet aftertaste.
I found the dipping sauce sufficient for the whole pack of potato sticks and was the remaining sauce after the potato sticks were finished.
I will definitely get these again and hope to see more flavours!!