Saturday, 26 August 2023

Naked ruby / Green and blue machine smoothie

Both the green and red were very sweet tasting smoothies.

Blue turned out to be my favourite.

Nissin Cup Noodle Wok style yakitori chicken

The taste of these noodles were interesting.
I was expecting sweet flavours but you get this weird burnt/charcoal like taste and aroma from the sauce.
It was similar to this McD SiuMei seasoning for the shake shake fries which has this burnt plastic smell and taste.

Thursday, 24 August 2023

Robinsons Apple and Blackcurrant cordial

Robinsons drinks have been around since I don't know when so I thought it deserves a post and some pictures.
Overall, not a bad drink but you get that usual apple and blackcurrant flavouring.

Red Bull sugar free drink

I always thought Red Bull was red inside but its the same colour as lucozade.
Red Bull sugar free smells and tastes like Hartleys strawberry jelly with artificial sweeteners.

Wild Tides Tomato and Basil canned tuna from Australia

This was seriously good and very different to other canned tuna out there.
The tuna is not crammed tight and dry but it comes with lots of sauce as well as having a soft silky texture which makes it delicious to eat.
You will also find fine chunks of tomatoes and onions.
Other nice flavours that I imagine to taste nice are onion and savoury tomato.


Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Glenryck Pilchards in brine

I am not really a tinned fish person but randomly tried this Glenryck Pilchards in brine because it wasn't in tomato sauce.
As weird as it may seem, the brine is the best part, the umami taste is so strong and the brine was so tasty without being fishy.
I felt like I got my moneys worth from the brine but not sure if it is good for you to drink the brine though.

Asda OMV Cherry Bakewell chunky cookies

When I spotted these,  they gave me a flashback of M&S cherry bakewell cookies so I thought I'd give them a go.

I wasn't keen because they were labelled as crunchy as I prefer chewy textures.

Anyway,  they were not that crunchy but more like an oat cookie.

The flavour was nice but wasn't strong even though the cherry was a little artificial. 

When I spotted these,  they gave me a flashback of M&S cherry bakewell cookies so I thought I'd give them a go.

I wasn't keen because they were labelled as crunchy as I prefer chewy textures.

Anyway,  they were not that crunchy but more like an oat cookie.

The flavour was nice but wasn't strong even though the cherry was a little artificial. 


#ssgasda@asdaprteam #ssgasda

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