Monday 27 December 2021

Rude health hazelnut drink

Some nut milks are my favourite like hazelnut, almond and cashew.
Hazelnut has always been a favourite of mine so when I saw the Rude Heath hazelnut drink claiming there was no sugar in it, I decided to give it a try so that I could taste hazelnut milk on its own to see how it tastes.
Sadly, there was a hint of sweetness in it which I believe came from the organic rice as rice always has a sweet taste.

Morrisons mince pie popcorn

I am not a fan of popcorn because of corn husk but after trying these really tasty mince pie crisps from Walkers I had a glimmer of hope the popcorn version by Morrisons could be good.
To be honest, the mince pie popcorn was a bit disappointing as the flavouring was not strong and the natrual popcorn flavour was more dominant.

M&S shredded Brussel Sprouts with Marmite butter

I had the get the shredded Brussel Sprouts with Marmite butter with Marks and Spencers because it is basically the same marmite butter that M&S sells.
They were reduced to 25p so I got two boxes, each box has two pieces of butter so I had four pieces from two boxes.
shredded Brussel Sprouts with Marmite butter
Anyway, I ended up trying brussel sprouts and marmite as instructed on the M&S sleeve.
It was actually not bad and it tastes like chewy Chinese takeaway seaweed with sticky marmite!

M&S Salt & Pepper pork belly joint

Randomly got some Salt & Pepper pork belly joint from Marks and Spencers for dinner which turned out surprisingly tasty.
Part of the meat is really tasty because it was lightly salted like ham yet you get the full on taste of the pork.

Morrisons pastel writing icing

I got to try these icing pens out because my brother made some cookies so we did some icing writing.
There are four colours, yellow, white, pink and blue.
To summarize they were not that sweet in taste and did the job as an icing however the pink and yellow were not bold enough to be seen as they were rather translucent.
However, these colours can be saved if you apply a white icing base and then apply the yellow/pink on top.

M&S Mature Cheese & Onion Quiche

I thought I had tried every quiche at Marks and Spencers but they have changed their quiches a little bit.
Taking a glance I assumed the mature cheese & onion quiche was the same as the cheese & onion quiche but the mature cheese & onion quiche contains fresh chives in it.
Labelled as Sautéed onions, extra mature Cheddar cheese and Red Leicester cheese & Fresh chives with a creamy egg custard.
It was nice overall and I would say there was lots of onions in it which gives it a sweetish taste and the chives make it colourful.

Friday 24 December 2021

M&S Collection Turkey Feast Scotch Egg

I love scotch eggs so the modern ones are always taking it to the next level.
Earlier this year, M&S did a coronation chicken one and now there is the Turkey feast scotch egg for Christmas which I think is even better.
It features a soft set egg inside which reminds me of that amazing gastropub scotch egg they had a few years ago.
Labelled as a scotch egg made with turkey, mapled cured bacon & pork with cranberries and port wrapped around a free range soft set egg.
To be honest, I couldn't taste all that complexity like the bacon and port but the cranberries were there.
Overall, the turkey meat was really tasty and spiced like sausage while the egg was exactly the same soft set egg you find in their ready to go breakfasts with that telltale flat bottom!

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