
Sunday 2 June 2024

Um bongo drink

Um bongo drink made by Libby's was discontinued a few years ago and now it is back.
Just for the photos I decided to try it but I didn't expect it to taste the same.
As expected, it was very different.
The old um bongo had a really fragrant passionfruit aroma and taste that hits you as soon as you sip it.
The colour was very different in the sense that it was a bright orange and you could not see through it when you pour it out.
The MODERN um bongo tastes like water mixed with weak cordial resulting in a sharp taste like apple vinegar.
You do get a passion fruit flavour and aroma but it isn't that nice.
It is not syrupy or sweet like the old version.
Definitely worth trying.

1 comment:

  1. Been bloomin’ ages, hope you’re doing well, and yeah, can totally imagine new Um Bongo being rubbish :/ I swear even last time they broight it back it wasn’t the same, but this sounds even worse/vinegary! Always up for a chat if you’re ever in tbe mood for a food nerd natter :)
