
Monday 19 February 2024

Evil Snacks crunchy oyster mushroom chips

Evil Snacks crunchy oyster mushroom chips.
I love the freeze drying technology because it brings you textures not possible with frying.
Imagine a 100% crunchy oyster mushroom.
These crunchy oyster mushrooms are coated in a light batter.
Without the coating it would probably break in the packet and the coating has flavouring which makes it tasty.
There are three flavours: Zesty Thai (Tom Yum), Sour Cream and Original.
Zesty Thai and the Original are probably the best.
The Sour Cream was a total disappointment as it was sweet and didn't have any sour cream to it.
I would be angry if I was Polish or Russian because the Sour Cream flavours does not deliver as well as Eastern European sour cream snacks.
The original was ok but on the sweet side so Tom Yum is probably the tastiest but lacked some tang which can be fixed with lemon or vinegar.
For all flavours, there was no umami at all as labelled.
Would love to see a Salt and Vinegar flavour or Cheese for the UK market.

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