
Tuesday 2 January 2024

Peacock Foods chocolate cake x 4

The first time I came across Peacock Foods was the London Cheesecake which I got from Aldi.
After doing some research, it turns out that they do lots of delicious sweet treats like cream doughnuts, yumyum, danishes etc.
However, I rarely see those products so I wonder who they supply them to.
Recently spotted these chocolate cakes by Peacock Foods at Aldi which didn't look bad in the box so decided to give them ago.
Obviously they were not long life cakes because of the short expiry.
They were very tasty warmed up with custard and not too sweet.
A different story at room temp,  dry and crumbly.
Definitely buying these again because traditional bakeries are scarce and it is really hard getting these old school cakes in my part of town let alone central London.
Sadly most traditional things are found in remote places that haven't quite diversified yet.

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