
Tuesday 9 January 2024

M&S Air nuts and Cheese clouds

Air nuts, popped cheese and snacks are a game changer because they are light yet flavourful however they were only available from a few brands so you have to buy them online or visit a place that stocks them.
The good news is that trendsetter M&S now stock them in their own brand making them readily available nationally and possibly at their overseas stores.
I remember buying the popped cheese online but had trouble getting the air nuts so I grabbed myself a bag of air nuts to try.
The cheese clouds are moreish and taste exactly like cheese but in crispy form similar to the burnt cheese you find after baking it in the oven or on top of cheese rolls that have been baked.
It also feels like eating freeze dried meringue but with a hard crunch.
The best thing is that they don't feel heavy because they are dry and popped while your fingers don't get greasy.
As for the peanuts, they were just the same as eating peanuts but in a different shape like pumice stones except a little lighter and airy flavoured with salt and pepper.
If you like peanuts I definitely recommend them but personally I prefer cheese clouds.
Other brands of cheese clouds out there are cheesies and cheese O's while the air nuts can also be found by Real handful.

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