
Thursday 27 April 2023

Mama salted egg noodles

Salted egg noodles are delish and I think the first salted egg noodles came from Indomie.
Thai brand Mama also has salted egg noodles so I gave them a try.
Looking at the packet, it is soupless, the noodles are vibrant orange with some red specks in it.
Fearing it might be spicy, I tried the flavour sachet which confirmed it was extremely spicy.
The noodles were much thicker than the usual ones and they look the same as the Korean ones which are fatter and whiter.
I didn't quite follow the instructions because of the spiciness so it probably didn't taste the same.
Overall, the noodles were not that bad but it would have been nice if there is a non spicy version available!
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