
Friday 14 April 2023

Fresh almonds / Green almonds

Fresh almonds (Green almonds) are in season, so as a curious foodie I had to try them.
I found some bright green small ones and some dark green big ones so why not try both.
They were very different in taste.
Iranians eat them by adding salt and lemon to it.
Since it was my first time I tried them on their own.
I liked the fruit part of the light green smaller ones as they were sour and moreish but the stone part was a bit hard and bitter.
The bigger ones were tasteless but the almond part tasted like cucumber and almond and it was quite refreshing.
So I get the impression you eat the inside for the bigger one and the outside for the smaller ones.
Anyway, I will be salting the smaller ones because the salt and sourness would taste nice together.

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