
Monday 22 August 2022

Snacksters Doner Kebab

I have always wanted to try Snacksters but have been holding back because the ones at Iceland are ffrozen.
When I saw the ones at Poundland which were in the chilled section and only required 1 minute in the microwave I decided to finally buy them.
Described as sliced doner meat in a soft flatbread with a sachet of chilli sauce.
Sadly, there was no sachet of chilli sauce in the bag.
The doner slices looked like uniform slices of ham but after heating in the microwave, they looked the part in terms of colour and texture.
Overall, the doner slices were quite tasty if not better as they were not gritty with that usual salty kick however I felt I didn't get the full experience with the chilli sauce missing.

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