
Friday 11 February 2022

Lidl Cashew Butter - Mcennedy

As well as peanut butter, I have always wanted to try other nut butters.
It just so happens that someone got the cashew butter so I got to try it.
It was really different to peanut butter because it was sweet like thick condensed milk with that dry mouthfeel that you get with peanut butter.
Overall it was nice but I thought it was too sweet to appreciate the taste of the cashew butter.


  1. Купила по скидке и так понравилось что теперь ищу. И нигде нет большой 340 граммов банки! Самое вкусное удовольствие! Почему раз в месяц не привозят в магазин? Я один раз а 20 лет только его И увидела..

    1. Russians complaining they cannot get products when there are world food shortages because of Russian subjugation of ukraine

  2. Russians complaining they cannot get products when there are world food shortages because of Russian subjugation of ukraine
