
Sunday 3 October 2021

Salted egg with double yolkers

Double yolkers are so special and rare that you just have to treat them in a special way.
When I got them, I cracked one open, fried one as well as boiled one for the photos.
Soft boiled eggs are nice but I decided to salt them because salted egg yolks always taste amazing and having two yolks is like double the pleasure!
They were salted on the 3rd October so we will have to wait a month to see how they taste!
After a long month of anticipation, I finally tried one but sadly it was not salty so I chucked in more salt and waited another month.
Finally, a month had passed and it was time to try them so I simply put one in the rice cooker with the rice.
Thankfully, they were salty and the salted egg yolk was amazing!
I don't think anyone else in the world would have thought of curing a double yolker so this salted double yolker is probably one in a billion.

Overly salty egg because the shell had cracked during curing and the yolks look cojoined.

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