
Monday 6 September 2021

Origin Kitchen nut spreads

I love nut spreads and houmous so when I discovered these cashew based spreads by Origin Kitchen I knew I would like them because Cashew is one of my favourite nuts when it comes to non dairy milk.
Cashew milk is the best because it is creamy just like regular milk so it makes sense to use it to make indulgent spreads like chocolate and white chocolate.
With other nuts like almond and hazelnut milks, the nut flavour is more prominent so you really have to like those nuts.
The indulgent chocolate spread was really decadent and smooth which would taste really good on toast or a bagel.
As for their savoury spreads, they had a starchy texture but you get more flavour because there is a less beany taste to it than chickpeas and soybeans.
My favourite was the mushroom & dill spread because you don't often see this pairing.
The basil pesto had a cheesy taste and was similar to the basil pesto houmous in the shop but without the chickpea taste.
The sundried tomato one was another good one because tomato has these delicious umami flavours.
They also had cashew banana and maple butter which was really nutty and wholesome so I definitely recommend these cashew spreads if you see them.

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