
Monday 27 September 2021

Lidl 100% Orange Juice - freshly squeezed

On a recent visit to a newly opened Lidl they were giving out orange juice so I tried some.
It tasted like freshly squeeze orange juice which was really sharp, as I sampled outside the store I didn't know they had machines inside that does freshly squeezed orange juice.
When I went in, I saw the machine, although this isn't new because you can find them at other supermarkets.
There are three sizes you can choose and all you do is press the lever for juice to come out.
Overall, nothing beats freshly squeezed orange juice but it depends on the batch of oranges for the sweetness etc.

Video of it in action:


  1. Can’t shop in Lidl anymore….. have orange allergy! The orange in the air makes me very unwell. Sad after a quarter of a century of Lidl shopping🙁

  2. Where is the south east has a orange juice machine ??

    1. Most should do I’d imagine. Guildford does.

  3. Really nice and refreshing
