
Wednesday 29 September 2021

Choccie dodgers minis

A few weeks ago, Burtons launched the new choccie dodgers and now you can get choccie dodgers minis which are great as snacks.
I got the choccie dodgers minis because I like the way they come in 6 small packs  for convenience.
When I opened it, the small packs were not sealed properly and there were loose biscuits inside.
I am not sure if I got a faulty one from the batch but there were two packs that were not sealed properly, one was completely open that all the biscuits came out and the other one was partially sealed.
There must be something wrong with the chocolate machine as well as one of the centres of the biscuits was half filled.
After closer inspection of the wrapper, it seems there was a fault with the sealing part as it was cut off at the wrong point.
Apart from all these faults, the biscuits tasted quite nice.

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