
Monday 17 May 2021

McVities New Jaffa Jonuts £2.20 at Tescos

The wait is over! The new Jaffa Cake jonuts!
2.20 at Tescos, I bet they will be cheaper with a Tescos clubcard later.
Anyway it was like eating a Madeleine moist slightly oily cake texture with chocolate on top and some orange flavouring.
The orange filling is nothing like the jelly in your regular jaffa cake but more like a syrupy paste.
Overall very sweet and it was like eating a ring shaped chocolate orange CAKE.
If you don't want a box of four, they will be sold individually at 60p.
Let's hope that they will launch other Jonut flavours in the future just like their jaffa cakes for non orange fans.
The jonut flavours I'd most like to see would be the cherry, strawberry or pineapple.

Finishing the last disgusting jonut with chocolate cream.
[Glad they were individually wrapped as I got rid of two jonuts by giving them away.] 
It actually tasted nice but then its really the cream that was nice.

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