
Monday 10 May 2021

Aldiva Apple Cinnamon Fruit Rolls

Aldiva Fruit rolls are not new but as a fan of fig rolls I had to get them because you don't often get apple which should taste better than the fig or date rolls in the range.

I hesitated getting them because the cookie part makes them hard and I just don't like hard biscuits and stuff.

Anyway ended up getting them as 69p wasn't exactly expensive for quite big bag.

Looking at these fruit rolls, they look exactly the same as the usual fig rolls but slightly smaller.

The filling is a thin layer so you get a bigger ratio of the cookie to filling whereas with the regular fig rolls it is the opposite.

Overall, I did not like them because the cookie part was too sweet which over powered the apple and cinnamon, to be exact, I could not taste any cinnamon.

Rating: 2/5

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