
Sunday 23 May 2021

After Eight Strawberry & Mint and Gin & Tonic

These were launched ages ago along with orange mint and gin tonic but I didn't try them back then.

Anyway finally tried them and loved them.
The pairing of strawberry and mint is odd but it worked.
When you open the box you get that lovely chocolate strawberry smell that you get from quality street strawberry creams.
The taste is similar to that with subtle mint flavours so sometimes its like eating a chocolate strawberry creme and sometimes like a regular aftereight.
I would give it 4/5 but the fondant was too sweet.
Rating: 3/5

Also tried the gin and tonic which were mintier than the strawberry.
The dark chocolate was good and tasted better from the fridge as I followed the tip saying best served cold.
The fondant filling was mintier than the strawberry after eight but somehow lacked any taste of gin.
Overall nice but the fondant was too sweet.
Rating: 3/5

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