
Tuesday 27 April 2021

Delicious Dessert Company Sticky Toffee eclairs

The Delicious Dessert Company’is a new brand under the Bakkavor group which supplies to supermarket chains like M&S.
When I heard about these new eclairs, I just had to get them because they were only £1.50 as an introductory offer.
There are three to choose from: Strawberry, chocolate and Sticky toffee.
In terms of appearance, they were really similar to the eclairs like M&S so I had high expectations for them.
Unfortunately, my local Sainsburys did not stock them so I had to travel to a bigger branch to get them.
On my first visit, there was only strawberry which I did not get because I was mainly interested in the toffee.
The next day, I travelled to that branch of Sainsburys again and there were two boxes of sticky toffee left.
One of the eclairs was the wrong way up hence that box was out of the question but the other box was already opened.
Checking the box, the flaps were not glued and virtually had no glue on them hence with an opened box from production to the supermarket, it could have got contaminated.
The reason I rejected the first box was that it was not picture perfect, as you know the icing sticks.
Unfortunately, I didn't want to fork out on another journey to Sainsburys so I decided to get that opened box as the eclairs inside were better for photos.
Apart from the non sealed box, the sticky toffee eclairs were decadent as expected.
As a whole, the eclair was just amazing and not too sweet with an M&S quality.

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