
Tuesday 16 March 2021

Hartley's 10 Cal dessert pudding series review - Blueberry muffin, Rhubarb custard, cherry bakewell and raspberry jam donut

The new 10 Cal pudding series are all vegan with exciting flavours like rhubarb & custard, jam doughnut, blueberry muffin and cherry bakewell. 

Ended buying three flavours but somehow I have the feeling its just the play of words more than the flavour which is why I didn't bother getting the blueberry.

Tried the Rhubarb first. Sadly, it was artificial in smell and taste so one down and two more to go.

The Cherry bakewell was just as bad, words can't describe how awful it was.
The artificial sweeteners were nasty.

The raspberry donut was palatable until the non natrual sweeteners hit you so to summarize the other two were just artificial essence flavouring which is unpleasant to burp up.

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