
Monday 7 December 2020

[Review] Pot Noodle Chicken Korma

I love pot noodles so tried the Chicken Korma a while ago but somehow forgot to write it up hence the late post.
With most pot noodles, it comes with a sachet of soy sauce or tomato sauce but the Chicken Korma comes with mango.
Personally I am not a fan of mango so didn't put it in the noodles.
After you put the water in, you get a nice bright yellow Korma colour and aroma.
As for the taste, it was pretty good just like a proper Korma, then as an option you can add some mango sauce.
I tried the mango sauce on its own but it was too sweet for my liking but I'm so glad I tried the chicken korma and the purple pot is nice.
Hopefully pot noodles will come up with more interesting flavours.

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