
Wednesday 25 November 2020

[Review] ToFoo Tempeh and Tempeh Cubed Sweet Soy

In Asia, I have had so much tempeh from these Indonesian stalls and as a dish from a Tempeh specialist in Hong Kong.

The ones from Indonesian shops have been fried so they are dry and the one from the Tempeh specialist was like mushy bean mince.

Finally tried the ToFoo Tempeh Cubed Sweet Soy which I thought was going to be sweet but it was more refreshing.

I liked it because the texture was firm with a slight mushiness while the taste was sour so I liked it.

I had the tempeh cubed sweet soy with asparagus and mixed grain rice.

If you get the ToFoo Tempeh, it is pretty much the same as the ones you get in Asia which comes in a block where you slice to cook.

I put the slices in the oven and they were tasty just like the ones in Asia but not as tart with the usual mushy firm texture.

As well as tempeh, I have also tried the smoked tofoo and plain tofoo as review earlier on my blog.

Cube Sweet Soy tempeh:

ToFoo Tempeh:

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