
Sunday 25 October 2020

[Review] Sainsburys Toffee apples for Halloween and Bonfire night

Halloween is round the corner so you will why lots of toffee apples at the supermarkets.
It brings me memories of bobbing apples at a Halloween party where we had to bite some apples that were floating in a cauldron.
This year, I started my Halloween with a toffee apple from Sainsburys as I have not posted any before.
The one I got was from Sainsburys.
Taking a bite which I literally couldn't because it was rock hard and turned out to be a little bit painful with the hard surface of the apple knocking against my teeth!
In the end I broke into the apple with a spoon and it was quite delicious with the texture of the sweet juicy apple against the crunchy chewy candy coating which I believe is sugar and not toffee.
Overall, if you have never tried a toffee apple, why not try it.

Toffee apples and chocolate apples on sale from Iceland (65p) and Co-op (60p)

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