
Thursday 22 October 2020

[Review] M&S Marks and Spencers Milk Chocolate Tea Cakes

Chocolate tea cakes are a classic treat, it is a biscuit base topped with marshmallow and covered with chocolate.
At M&S, you can get the tubs or the snack version.
Since I have bought the tub before, I got the snack version this time which is just the same.
Each tea cake is deliciously good with a cup of tea.


  1. the teacakes are horrible since they changed packaging they Don t taste the same I wont be buy anymoer

  2. Bought some of the teacakes last week. NOT happy. The packaging has changed and the size of the teacakes has really shrunk. What was wrong with the originals wrapoed in blue silver foil. They were perfect. Not so the new ones.
    Unhappy shopper.

  3. opened it up and became incandescent with rage!! THE SUITS HAVE STOLEN MY FOIL!!
    I was so furious i smashed and bashed the tea cakes until they were reduced to crumbs on my table. thanks m&s now i have to clean it up
