
Monday 12 October 2020

McVities Christmas Pudding and Gingerbread digestive biscuits review 2020

I was looking for the new festive Christmas Pudding and Gingerbread digestive biscuits at Co-op on my last visit and couldn't find them.

Went back again and discovered they were on the bottom corner of the shelf.

Why oh why did co-op have to put the new and exciting biscuits in an unnoticeable place.

A few weeks later, these new biscuits were at a better location and they had the McVities gingerbread digestives as well.

Ended up getting both.

According to the comments, the Christmas pudding is better so I tried that first.
You get the typical taste of chocolate digestives followed by spices.

As for the gingerbread digestive, there wasn't much gingerbread taste which was disappointing.
The ginger taste was so light that you had to concentrate your senses to taste it.

Overall, I am glad I tried but at a reduced price because they were not worth the hype at full price.

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