
Saturday 12 September 2020

[Fruit Review] Prickly Pears

Spotted these prickly pears at the market and they were affordable at 4 for a pound so decided to give them a try.
I thought the colours was related to the ripeness but the guy at the stall said the colour is just basically the colour of the flesh inside.
Since it was the flesh colour, I got a mix of colours and I was surprised how vibrant the flesh was.

It was similar to a dragonfruit but the pips were hard.
The texture was like watermelon and and it was surprisingly sweet and juicy but different colours taste different.
Personally I liked the green and orange because the taste was sweet and light.
The fuscia one was really sweet.

Overall, it was how I expected it to be but very different in taste to the nopal cactus which was viscous.

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