
Wednesday 2 September 2020

[Review] Morrisons 2 Portuguese Custard Tarts

Portuguese custard tarts or any food is meant to taste delicious if executed properly but I was put off by Portuguese tarts in Hong Kong because they were simply not fit for consumption.
Visually they were oily and burnt and when you eat them your fingers are covered in oil while the taste is burnt and eggy.

Although I was put off Portuguse tarts, food in UK is generally good from anywhere.

The first ever Portuguse tart I tried in UK was from Morrisons.
Visually I was impressed because it had all these distinct layers and it was not burnt so if you reheat the tart, it allows room for it to become golden.

After reheating it carefully, the Portuguese custard tart was amazing, the pastry was crisp and flakey and the custard filling was sweet but not eggy like the Hong Kong ones.
Apart from being too sweet, I would give it 99/1000.

I wasn't sure if I was lucky so I tried Lidl's Portuguese tart which is much raved about but the pastry wasn't as good or I got the odd one that wasn't at its best.