
Friday 10 July 2020

[Review] M&S Marks and Spencer The Bakery Wheatgerm Loaf

When I saw this mini loaf of Wheatgerm bread I had to get it.
The slices are small and thin which are perfect for that non filling feeling when I'm peckish.

Photos below taken Nov 2020 


  1. Sadly,they seem to have stopped selling,haven't been able to buy for a while now

    1. I wonder if it is a summer thing. There are lots of bagels on the shelf now.

  2. I’m very disappointed they’ve stopped selling this bread; it was the only bread my elderly mother enjoys as it’s nice and thin and perfect for a small appetite. It disappeared 2018 (?) then reappeared early this year. Go figure. I’ve no idea why they would cease stocking such a popular product (staff told me customers ask for it). How about the consider their customers?

    1. Just updated the post above. I went to my local store and it was there. I have done a close up of the expiry label to show the date. Hopefully your branch will get some soon.

  3. Almost every food we eat contains sugar. It's better to enjoy a really extravagant dessert once in a while than to fill your daily diet with "fat-free" sugary treats which are basically empty calories and devoid of nutritional benefits. Other than table sugar, watch out for other forms of sugar, especially those words ending with "ol" or "ose". Consuming sugarless artificial sweeteners in so called health food may be more damaging than helpful to our health is chinese food ok for diabetic

    1. i hate artifial sweeteners and they taste so different

  4. Please bring this loaf back!!!! When you don't have good health, as I don't, it's lovely and easy to eat!!!!!

  5. I love this loaf. Please bring it back. I'm on my last loaf from my freezer stockpile,because it keeps disappearing from the shelves. It makes a good sandwich &my favourite is with my smoked salmon. PLEASE BRING THIS POPULAR LOAF BACK.

  6. please bring back this loaf.

  7. Why why did they stop making this very popular little bread even store bakers don't know why

  8. why why why please listen to the customer x

  9. I love that bread it's only bread I do like I haven't been able to get it for months, Please bring it back.

  10. It's been gone a year. This is about the fourth occasion it's disappeared over last 10 years but I don't recall a gap this long before. RIP loaf

  11. I loved is bread 😩

  12. Have they brought this back yet how about listening to your customers

  13. Very annoying that it has been discontinued as it was delicious. I’d like to know why it’s gone as they keep other bread which is nowhere as nice. Who do you contact to find out?

  14. I'm afraid these shops don't care about what customers want anymore as long as they make their profits.
