
Wednesday 27 May 2020

[Review] M&S Marks and Spencers Taste Buds mighty meaty pasta

As well as adult meals, I also try children's meals as well as baby food mainly to see what they taste like.
At M&S, they have a Taste Buds range for children which is low in salt and does not contains sugar.
Pricey it may seem for the price but they tasted much better.

I don't really have much quibble on M&S food except for the minced beef because it doesn't seem like pure minced beef.

Anyway, the Marks and Spencers Taste Buds mighty meaty pasta gave me a surprise here because the minced beef was the best out of all the minced beef used in their range.
You could say it was bland but it was light in a healthy way and I liked it because I could taste the beef and tomato sauce better.
The pasta shapes were cute to eat so children will definitely like it and I love the way the insert says "hidden vegetables".

M&S Marks and Spencers Taste Buds mighty meaty pasta

Ended up getting this again half a year later and it was consistently good.
Freezing it for a few days made the pasta shapes more al dente!

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