
Tuesday 19 May 2020

[Review] M&S Marks and Spencers Smooth Pea and Mint Soup

The soup range at Marks and Spencers is amazing, there are so many soups that range from smooth, chunky to Thai soups.
This time got the Marks and Spencers Smooth Pea and Mint Soup.
As well as Pea and Mint, they also have Pea and Ham which I tried earlier.

M&S Marks and Spencers Pea and mint soup

It is interesting how the pea and mint and the pea and ham could both taste so different.
With the pea and mint soup, you could taste the freshly blended mint leaves and then you have tender peas popping in your mouth so I loved this smooth.
If you prefer the thick mushy peas and starchy texture then go for the pea and ham soup which can be quite filling.

Overall, the pea and mint soup is highly recommended unless you have something against mint!

M&S Pea and Ham soup:


  1. I want tinned pea & ham back on the shelves please

    1. I would love to see it too. havent tried it before from a can

  2. it's there....I bought one yesaterday and have just eaten it for lunch - deliscious
