
Monday 2 March 2020

[Review] M & S Food Bramley Apple Victoria Sponge

To be honest, I was going to M & S Food intending to get a Victoria sponge but in front of me there were two to choose from.
The regular Victoria Sponge and the Bramley Apple Victoria sponge.

Instantly, I knew the Bramley apple version one was going to be damn good because I expected the filling to be the same as the filling for their Fresh cream Bramley apple turnovers which are sensationally good.

For me, I prefer eating cakes and sponges as to puff pastry so the Bramley apple Victoria sponge was the perfect combo.

As expected the Bramley Apple Victoria sponge was delicious especially the freshly whipped cream and apple compote which was chunks of crisp sweetened apples.

It is hard to see the apple compote but it definitely is in there as well as the lovely layer of freshly whipped cream which tasted very buttery yet light as well as the fluffy buttery sponge that was not too overwhelmingly buttery.

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