
Thursday 5 March 2020

Shangri La Chicken Noodles review

Spotted these Shangri La Chicken Noodles last year and was intrigued by them as they were pretty inexpensive for 20p and now only 14p!
The name makes me curious as it is named like the big luxury hotel group Shangri La!
Photo taken in 2020
Photo taken in 2021

A year later, I saw them again at Morrisons but they were only 14p so I decided to give them ago.
According to the picture, I served the noodles without soup and they were pretty tasty and the flavouring was like roast chicken without being too salty.
The strands of noodles can get stuck together whilst the water is being absorbed but then batchelors super noodles do that as well.
Overall, I will definitely be getting these again and it seems that Morrisons are the only place that stocks them.

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