
Monday 24 February 2020

[Review] Rebel Burger at Burger King UK and Vegetarian Butcher finds at Coop

I have always wanted to try the vegetarian rebel burger from Burger King since it is an international chain.
You will find that the US uses the Impossible Patty while UK serves a plant based patty by the Vegetarian Butcher.

In a way I was glad that the patty in UK was different because I have already tried the Impossible elsewhere.

Prices are different at different locations for Burger King in UK so it makes sense to try it where it is cheapest.
I don't know what the cheapest price was but I went to Stratford because it was cheaper than the two in Croydon.

Well, the rebel burger looked the part but unfortunately I was disappointed with the patty itself because it was tasteless and I didn't like the texture.
On the topic of Vegetarian Butcher, here are some of their products I found at Co-op.

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