
Sunday 24 November 2019

[Review] Asda Brandy Buttercream Mince Pie

Mince Pies are getting fancy this year and retailers are all competing to come up with creative ones.

I am not a fan or mince pies because of the fruit peel so the creative ones appeal to me as the recipe is slightly modified or taste completely different.

Fancy mince pies this year come in the form of ginger bread, black forest, chocolate orange etc.

As I was at Asda, tried the Brandy Buttercream Mince Pie.

It is topped with a thick Brandy buttercream which was sweet icing so it overpowered the taste of the fruit peel which made the mince pie more palatable.

However I couldn't quite taste the brandy but overall, if I were presented with a traditional mince pie and the brandy buttercream mince pie, I would choose the latter.

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