
Sunday 7 December 2014

Modern American ginseng beverage available in Hong Kong.

GinZeng is the first beverage with genuine American ginseng pieces in it retailing at $20 per bottle at Citysuper.
The ginseng is grown in Wisconsin US, graded in Hong Kong and bottled in Taiwan,.

There are three flavours: Original, Goji berry and rose.
Every bottle has pieces of ginseng at the bottom.

This contains American ginseng with natural rock sugar and water to help improve wellbeing and rejuvenates the body. American ginseng is known to deepen concentration, sharpen your mind, improve memory, and energize the body, all without caffeine!
I loved the taste of this one because the ginseng tasted natrual with a hint of bitterness and it was not too sweet.
This contains American ginseng and goji berries which are said to be an excellent source of antioxidants, loaded with beta-carotene which helps promote healthy, glowing skin, and are packed with Vitamin C.
Compared to the first drink, the bitterness was stronger.
This contains rose and ginseng.
Roses are known to brighten moods, relieve tension and calm your mind.
I didn't try this because I don't like the smell of rose.
The three founders of this drink graduated from the all time prestigious UCL from my lovely country!

Instagram: PureGinZeng (

1 comment:

  1. Canadian Vita Ginseng Powder is the high quality herbs are carefully selected from the world's finest sources to ensure a special product selection
