
Monday 18 June 2012

Uni president sesame oil herbal instant noodles

I have always liked instant noodles by Uni President because their flavours are different.

The one I tried was a herbal one which was sesame oil herbal instant noodles, it didnt have an English name on the packaging except for 大補帖 麻油藥膳風味細麵, similar to the Buk Kut Teh instant noodles I tried recently from Malaysia which contained Dong Gwai.
On the labelling it was called Tai bu tei yao shan noodle sesame flavour but it could have been named by the importer.

Apart from sesame and herbs, they actually had Dong Gwai flavoured instant noodles 當歸藥膳風味細麵, ginseng with wolfberries 人蔘枸杞藥膳風味細麵, and Dong Gwai with duck instant noodles, 當歸鴨風味細麵.

When I opened the packet, the noodles were the thin type which I like because they cook quicker and absorb more flavour.

There was a lot of sesame oil in the sachet unlike other brands.
The soup sachet had pieces of dried wolfberries and Dong Gwai.

When I cooked the noodles the smell of Dong Gwai was nice and strong.

Although there is lots of sesame oil I only put half in there because the sesame oil over powers the rest of the herbal flavouring.
Apart from Dong Gwai I could also taste a hint of ginger in it.

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