Saturday 14 May 2022

Tseng noodles : sesame oil sichuan pepper

Taiwan is famous for noodles and Tseng is another brand.
Overall, I loved the noodles and the sichuan pepper can get quite spicy.

Friday 13 May 2022

Little Moons Mochi ice cream review

Yes I know mochi ice creams come from Asia but I actually prefer mochi ice creams in the West because of the flavours.
A good flavour really makes a difference and I don't have an Asian palatte hence the flavours at Little Moons are to my liking such as the Pistachio.
Little Moons have expanded their offerings over the years and offer more than 10 flavours now so there is a flavour for everyone.
I've had my fair share in Asia and I really dislike boring mango, matcha etc.
Recently tried the Honey Pistachio, Italian Hazelnut and the Salted Caramel Miso.
The honey pistachio was amazing because you could really taste the pistachio as well as see bits of pistachio in it, the salted caramel miso was outstanding as you could really taste the caramel and miso however the hazelnut was a let down as it was bland unlike the pistachio.

Spicy duck blood by Chapman To 杜汶澤「小杜良品」台灣麻辣鴨血

Celebrity star Chapman To has recently launched these goose oil noodles and spicy duck blood which are a huge sellout and success.
I managed to get my hands on some duck blood because someone got me some from Taiwan.
The duck blood is famous for its spiciness so I got the level one to begin with.

As expected it was really hot so when I opened the pouch I separated the liquid and the blood jelly cubes.
Overall, they were tasty but extremely spicy so I am glad I separated the liquid or things could get mental.
After one and half hour of eating the duck blood, I already needed to the loo, that is how spicy they are!!

Waitrose summer Cherry Bakewell Crumble Cakes

Labelled as 2 almond sponge cakes, filled with morello cherry compote, topped with ground cinnamon streusel, roasted flaked almonds and demerara sugar.
I was drawn to these because when I see cherry bakewell anything I just have to try it.
To be honest, they didn't really look captivating as the sponge cakes looked rather hard even though I knew you have to warm them up.
After reheating the cakes, I felt that it just lacked character because the cake was thin, the cherry compote didn't really have an impact and all that stole the show was the crumble on top which was too much and there was a bit too much demerara sugar.

Thursday 12 May 2022

Daijia Sesame sauce stirred noodles 大甲乾面 - 麻酱

Taiwan is famous for noodles and Daijia is another brand.
Overall, I loved the noodles but I felt that the sesame paste was a bit thick and dry.

Yeo Valley Organic Fresh Custard Vanilla

Yeo Valley are famous for yoghurts but now they have tapped into other dairy products like milk, butter etc.
Launched last October was the fresh vanilla custard.
I finally tried them and was really impressed because of the taste.
It was seriously delicious custard coming from Yeo Valley.
I know the colour is a bit pale but it tastes so good on its own that you wouldn't really want to share even though it serves two.
I felt that it was as good as the M&S custard but not as sweet and definitely tasted natural.

Mango Go Energy Drink review

Grab life by the mangoes with @mangogo_uk! 
Finally a naturally flavoured energy drink that tastes good and not like medicine.
Taste comes first so I appreciate how refreshing it was and not too sweet infused wiht acerola cherry powder and natrual caffeine which was fast acting.
Now available from Sainsbury’s in selected stores. 
Go to to find your nearest store. 


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