Wednesday 22 May 2024

Tesco tikka inspired houmous

As expected, it was to my liking with tikka spices and it also tasted like Moroccan inspired houmous but spicier.
I don't like sriracha but sriracha houmous could be next.

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Sainsburys taste the difference pastrami, cheddar & dill pickle sausage rolls

As soon as I saw these, I had to get them because I love pastrami and dill pickle.
I wasn't quite sure how it would work in harmony with the sausage meat filling but it turns out it was more like a cheese roll with bits of pastrami in it.
The first piece I had didn't have much dill pickle but the second one was more full on with taste which was delicious.

Sunday 19 May 2024

Mleczko bakery and deli

I love Mleczko bakery and deli because the ones I come across do not have deli and hot food so I tried the apple pancake which was quite nice as it was not too sweet.
I regretted not getting ice cream with it because this branch is off the radar.

Nissin Yakisoba Savory Beef. [Philippines]

Very and different to other yakisobas because it was not sweet.
The noodles are much wider compared to the usual ones.
The instructions don't quite make sense because the dry powder is added after you drain the water which makes it hard to mix together.

Kupiec corn cakes with sour cream

Although there was English in the labelling, I didn't read it because never would I expected them to be corn.
Anyway, didn't like them because all you can taste is corn like popcorn without the husks.
However, they were nice with hummous which masked the annoying corn flavours.

Waitrose wood fired King prawn and chilli sourdough pizza

 Quite nice and the prawns were bouncy.

Tesco finest Strawberries and Clotted cream Danish

Tesco finest Strawberries and Clotted cream Danish.
I love the idea of Strawberries and Clotted cream so how could I resist this Tesco finest Strawberries and Clotted cream Danish.
The labelling makes it difficult to see as well because the lines are too close to each other.
Described as a flaky Danish pastry filled with rich clotted cream custard topped with a sweet strawberry filling and crisp meringue pieces.
Although, I didn't really have any expectations, the strawberry filling gave me a surprise because I was expecting strawberry compote or puree but I found two strawberry halves.
However, I failed to find the rich clotted cream custard and not even the slightest yellow layer could be seen.
Overall, it was nice and not too sweet but even nicer with some cream.
#danish #strawberriesandcream

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